holiday match campaign
From now until December 31, 2024 - every dollar donated to the CSPI up to a maximum of $3,000, will be matched by a generous private donor.
The Coweta Street Park Initiative is a Project of Coweta Community Foundation.

be the difference
Help transform a deteriorating public space to create a welcoming gathering space for those of all ages and economic statuses.
The Coweta Street Park Initiative is a Project of Coweta Community Foundation.

The Coweta Street Park initiative will transform an existing public space within the city of Senoia, creating an innovative, welcoming, and accessible green space for those of all ages and economic statuses.
The existing park is sparse and deteriorating. This public-private community-wide initiative will create a healthy, vibrant green space revitalizing the North side of Senoia, expanding access to multi-generational families, children with disabilities, and the entire community.

be the difference
The vast majority of the funds to be raised supporting this initiative will come from private sources. The park will be open to the entire community. All other funds necessary to complete the park project will come from either cash donations or in-kind donations of needed goods and services.
The park fundraising committee is seeking the involvement and support of local businesses, corporations, and foundations. The Senoia Housing Authority, AMC, Coweta-Fayette EMC, Historical Concepts, Integrated Science and Engineering as well as other local businesses have already invested in the Coweta Street Park initiative.
Our local community is an equally important pillar in the success of this project. Citizens, churches, and civic organizations are the beating heart of Senoia and can be a driving force in bringing this project to reality.
Every dollar donated, every hour of in-kind services provided, and every ounce of
materials provided on an in-kind basis will go towards the completion of this
initiative. All efforts of the Park Steering Committee and Fundraising Committee are on a volunteer basis.
The Coweta Street Park Initiative is a Project of Coweta Community Foundation.
Donations are being made to the Coweta Community Foundation (CCF) and earmarked for the Coweta Street Park Project. CCF is a well-established 501(c)( 3) in Coweta County Georgia
Corporate Sponsor
Community Partner
Individual Contributor
progress to date...
While the conversations started well over a year ago, the Coweta Street Park Initiative became a reality in early 2022 as a group of community volunteers came together and formed a steering committee. Since early 2022 the Initiative has secured approaching $270,000 in cash and in-kind contributions. The journey has begun, much more needs done; come help Be the Difference!

Donate by Check
Mail Check to:
Coweta Community Foundation
PO Box 236
Newnan, GA 30264
Please make check out to: Coweta Community Foundation
Add Memo: Coweta Street Park
corporate sponsors
Businesses and Corporations Donating from $20K and up in Cash or In-Kind Services

Businesses and Corporations Donating Significant Cash or In-Kind Services
Businesses and Corporations Donating from $5K and up in Cash or In-Kind Services

community partners
Small and medium sized businesses, churches, civic organizations donating $1K or more

Small and medium sized businesses, churches, civic organizations donating $500 or more

individual contributors
The Coweta Street Park Initiative is made possible through the generous support of businesses, community organizations, and especially, families and individuals. Individual contributions, no matter how big or small, are invaluable in helping to kick-start this important project. The response from the community thus far has been truly inspiring, and we are grateful for everyone who has joined us in this effort.
But we need your continued support to ensure the success of the Coweta Street Park Initiative. By purchasing a permanent brick for the park's walkway, you can show your commitment to improving our community and leave a lasting legacy for future generations. Donations between $250-$999 can have a personalized brick (three lines up to 24 characters per line) added to the Park’s walkway. Donations of $1,000 and above can have a larger personalized brick. Each and every individual contribution is crucial to the success of this initiative, and we thank you for your generosity and support.

Most Recent Individual Contributions
Most Frequently Asked Questions
The park will remain the responsibility of the SHA until the transfer is completed.
Once completed and transferred to the City it will become a City of Senoia park run and maintained by the City like Seavy Street Park.
The Coweta Street Park Initiative is a standalone project , it is not connected in any way to any potential SHA initiatives. In fact, the donation of the parkland is a significant transfer of valuable land from the SHA to the city, which will permanntly keep the acreage as a park.
Local citizens formed a Steering Committee under the non-profit 501c3 umbrella of the Coweta Community Foundation.
The property is currently owned and managed by the Senoia Housing Authority.
Contact us at or call us at 470-980-6813. One of our fundraising team committee members will speak with you about your interest and can schedule an in person or virtual presentation that can fill you in on plans for the park and how other corporations and businesses are already involved.
With the rapid growth of the City, there are higher priorities for limited tax dollars.
As long as the Park is owned by the SHA, only residents of the SHA can legally use the park. Once the City obtains ownership it will be a public park, open to all of the public and under jurisdiction of the City.
Still have questions?
news and events
This site is under development by the Coweta Street Park Committee, established by the Senoia Housing Authority Board to raise funds and remodel and enhance the Senoia Housing Authority Park on Coweta Street.
Content contained herein is subject to substantial changes and should not be relied upon.